Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Suatu Ketika... when she is officially 26!!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T... n hey all's!!! dah agak lama ak x update blog since dah bekerjaya sekarang!! (ahaks!). As the mukadimah...

On 9 September yg lepas, kitaorg plan buat surprise birthday for my sis since kitaorg dah lama tak buat surprise for her. So nak dipendekkan cerita, surprise tu x jadi surprise sgt because my bro dah pecah rahsia awal-awal petang tu (terima kasih amy!!).

So the cake actually was officially sponsor by puan roslina (my mom) and mr wan kamarudin (my dad). it was really super duper extra delicious cake. BTW the cake is bought from secret recipes (black forest cheese cake).

AHA!!! thanks a lot to this 3 hot chick coz sudi datang plus thanks to kak nurul, atikah, amy, and syamim sbb sudi hadir memeriahkan majlis (ahaks!)